Saturday, June 30, 2012

Progress on June's UFO

I didn't get to June's UFO until 3 day before the end of the month. But I figured any progress was better than it sitting untouched for another year.
This UFO was based on the pattern "Autumn House" by Bunny Hill Designs, but with changes and additions.

                          Here's the 7 blocks that I had worked on before setting it aside. 
                                          They were fused, but no stitching done.

The first block was hand appliqued, but I changed my mind and fused all the other blocks so I could machine applique them. I was not very confident in my hand applique skills back then! I decided to re-do it and use the hand appliqued one for something else, maybe the start of a tote bag. This is the new one. 

I completed the other 2 blocks also, and then started doing the machine buttonhole stitch. 
                                              Here's two of the blocks:

I got 6 blocks sewn, the last 3 still need the machine stitching.
I felt like I got a decent amount done in 3 days.

 The month is over but I hope to keep working on this and not just set it aside again.
                                I'd like to get it finished and hanging on the wall!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Getting Back to Sewing!

Things got really busy around here for a while and gets what had to give.......Yep........My sewing time!
But things have settled back down again and I'm catching back up in my sewing room.

I finished my May UFO, at least got it made into a quilt top before all the busyness started. It was a mess when I pulled it out back at the beginning of May
1 Completed block, 2 partial blocks, and pieces for several other blocks, but missing pieces and a pattern!
Yes, it was a challenge. However once I got going on it, it wasn't too hard to figure out. I remembered some froggy fabric I had bought for the border (10 years ago!) and I still had it. I made some cool eyes for my frogs, taking my cue from the frogs on the border fabric.

And TA-DA................A froggy quilt top!

Now that I had time to get back to sewing, the first project I had to get to was my Scrap Squad quilt. I had started it before all the craziness started, but it got abandoned when the demands on my time increased. It only took a couple of days and I had a completed quilt. It will be posted on Quiltmakers Quilty Pleasures blog any day, but here's a sneak peak of a cute fishy!

And what to work on next?

Well there's only a few days left in June, but I thought I should at least pull out my June UFO. I found the blocks last night and put them up on my wall. It's actually a little further along than I remembered.
Only 2 blocks to go!
All these pieces are only fused on though, I still need to stitch them down. We'll see how far I get, even a little progress is better than none.