Tuesday, May 1, 2012

April's UFO is Completed!

It's May 1st, so technically I'm a day late, but my April UFO is Done!

My Ufo for April was my stack of 60 appliqued heart blocks.

At the beginning of the month I quickly figured out the layout I would use. By putting 4 in the corners I was able to use all 60 of my blocks.

As I auditioned fabric for the borders , my 5 year old daughter campaigned  for the fairy fabric! 

I wasn't paying attention as I sewed the border on and had to do a little ripping to make my inner borders line up.

Yesterday was spent quilting this quilt. Just basic stipples and a little flower in each heart.

For the back I used the rest of the fairy fabric and another pink floral I've had on my shelf for a long time. 

Today I got busy and sewed the binding.

And Ta-Da...................

My April UFO is complete!

I wonder if anyone I know would like a heart quilt with pink fairy fabric borders?

1 comment:

  1. It's beautiful! So glad you showed the back. I have a throw that I just finished and am a little of backing to match. This is a perfect idea for it. Thanks!
